Who’s Considered a Largo Administrator?
If you’re in charge of managing a Largo website, congratulations: you’re a site Administrator! This means you have control over the layout, menus, content organization, social media integration, plugins that add specific functionality, user accounts for authors and editors, and more.
Setting up your site will require thought, time, and effort on your part. The payoff will be an outstanding website for your news organization that works great on desktops, tablets, and smartphones, and truly serves your audience.
If you’ve contracted with INN for any custom design work, or you’re an INN member organization, INN will be happy to assist with this process. Otherwise, we have comprehensive resources available to help you through the process.
Largo Documentation and Support
Please also see our guidelines on how to access Largo Support.
There’s a large and growing community around Largo, and we welcome you to it. INN will do everything we can to help you be successful.