Adding Custom Menus

Largo has five default menus, but you can easily add new menus. You can create a new menu and assign it to any of the five Largo menu Theme Locations. Or, you might want to add a menu to a sidebar widget. Let’s make a new menu to show how this works.

Here’s the menu configuration screen found at Appearance > Menus:

Appearance Menus screen in Largo

Notice the link to create a new menu:

Creating a new menu

Click “create a new menu” and then enter a new menu name in the menu configuration page. We’re creating a new menu for links to all “Tour de Largo” Categories:

creating a menu for categories

Now we need to select all the categories relevant to our “Tour de Largo”, which in this case is all of them:

selecting categories for the menu

Click the Add to Menu button and presto:

categories added to the menu

Now click Save Menu. We haven’t assigned a location for this menu yet, so it won’t appear anywhere. We could assign it one of the existing menu locations provided by Largo for the default menus. If we do that it will replace any menu that was already in that location. Alternatively, we could place this new menu in the Main Sidebar widget area.

To do that we go to Appearance > Widgets. We’re going to use the Custom Menu widget to place our Tour de Largo Categories menu in the main sidebar:

adding a custom menu widget to a sidebar

Click the Add Widget button to add the custom menu widget to the Main Sidebar, and open the configuration for this custom menu:

configuring the custom menu widget

In the Custom Menu widget configuration, select the Tour de Largo Categories menu and add a title:

adding a title to the custom menu widget

Click the Save button in the configuration dialogue, and check out the new Tour de Largo Categories menu in the main sidebar on the site:

custom menu displayed in a sidebar

The category links in this custom menu now link to landing pages containing all posts assigned to the categories.

More Resources on Menus