In Largo, you can create a multipart Series on a special topic and collect the posts in that series on a Landing Page. Series is one of the custom taxonomies added by Largo for that purpose. Here’s how to create a Series and an associated Landing Page:
Here’s how to create a Series and an associated Landing Page:
- Create the Series
- Create the Landing Page and select the Series in its settings
How to put it all together
The Series taxonomy and Custom Landing Pages must first be enabled by an Administrator in Appearance > Theme Options > Advanced:
You’ll then find in Posts > Series the Series screen. This is similar to the screens for managing Categories and Tags. You can see all existing series, and links to edit, delete, and view each individual series, along with a Count link to see just the posts in that series:
You can add a new series from this screen, just as with Categories and Tags. Let’s edit an existing series for Election 2020:
You can add a Featured Image, and select a custom sidebar for the Series archive page. But you can leave those blank because there’s a better option for customizing the Series page with its own Featured Image, sidebar, and layout options: the Custom Landing Page.
Adding a Custom Landing Page
If Custom Landing Pages are enabled in Appearance > Theme Options > Advanced, you’ll find a Landing Pages link in the dashboard main menu:
Click Add New to create a Landing Page:
As you can see, Landing Pages provide many options for how the series archive page is laid out, and how the posts in the series are displayed on it.
First, enter a title that makes sense for the series. In this case, we’ve expanded a bit on our series name which is Election 2020:
You can add a description and set layout options, but before we cover that:
Connect the Series with the Landing Page
Set the Series for this landing page by selecting it in the Series panel. This connects the posts assigned to the series so they’ll display on the Landing Page:
Set the Page Template for the Landing Page
In the Extras panel, use the drop-down menu to select the Series Landing Page Default as the page template:
The Series Landing Page Default is a custom Largo template that is required for all landing pages.
If all you do is these two steps (select the right Series and set Series Landing Page Default as the template), you’ll have a functioning Landing Page. But there’s much more you can do with the landing page layout and how posts are displayed on it.
Landing Page Layout Style
If the Layout Style is set to Standard you can enter a description in plain text for display at the top of the Landing Page. If you select Alternate, you can add formatted text with links and images, just like the text field in a Page or Post:
Main Layout Options
The Main panel sets how series posts are displayed on the landing page. There are many options, including setting custom sidebars and changing the display order of posts:
You may want to create a custom sidebar for a given series, for display of related content, ad campaigns specific to the series, etc. While it’s possible to add an additional sidebar on the left, we recommend using the two-column layout with one sidebar on the right.
As with the layout style of the header, you can select Custom HTML and add content using a rich text field like any Page or Post:
If you select Use Widget, you’ll find a new Series widget area in Appearance > Widgets. You can then add whatever widgets you choose to this widget area:
The Landing Page
After setting up the Landing Page you can view it at
. Here’s the Landing Page for our example series Election 2020: