Basic Settings

Theme Options > Basic Settings is where you make the site truly look and feel like yours. Here is where you add branding images, a site description, set up an optional donation link, add your Google Analytics ID, add social media links and buttons, determine the layout of your homepage, footer, and single-post pages, and much more.

Let’s walk through the top half of the Basic Settings screen:

Largo theme options basic settings

Site Description

This provides the content for the Largo About Site widget which you can place in any widget area.

Note that you can optionally include some limited HTML tags in the Site Description, like link tags and images, as in this example:

<img width="336" height="336" alt="The Largo Project" class="attachment-medium" src="/largoborg/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/largo-sq-336x336.png"> Largo is the WordPress Framework for News Websites. Find out more on the <a href="">Largo Project Website</a>.

Feed URL

Largo automatically creates an RSS feed for all posts with the URL: If you use another service for generating a feed, enter the URL for your feed here.

If you use another service for generating a feed, enter the URL for your feed here.

Donate Button

If you’d like to display a donation button and link in your site’s top header, check the Show box and enter the URL of your donation page. Note that the button won’t display unless you enter the URL. Change the button text to your preference. Here’s what the button looks like:

webpage button saying donate now

Settings here will also provide default content for the Largo Donate widget. You can, however, change the default content to anything you like in the widget itself.

Copyright Message

This will display a copyright message in your site footer. Note that &copy; Copyright %d, yoursitename includes the code for the copyright symbol and %d will automatically show the current year.

If you wish to include a Creative Commons license, you can add the license code here.

Google Analytics

Largo will connect your site to Google Analytics so you can begin getting site reports as soon as you enter your Analytics ID here. If you are transitioning from an existing website with the same URL, you’ll want to wait to enter your Google Analytics ID until you’re ready to make the site transition.

Now let’s walk through the bottom half of the Basic Settings screen:

bottom half of the basic settings in Largo

Label to Use for Posts

WordPress calls single page articles “posts,” and we use that term throughout this guide. If you prefer another label, like “articles,” you can make that change here.

Social Media Links

Enter the URLs for your site’s social media accounts here. The icons and links for each active account will be displayed in the footer, and if you check the box at the bottom they’ll display in the header as well.

Single Post Options

You can choose to display social media share buttons at the top of each single post:

social media buttons at the top of a wordpress post

You can also have them fade into the side of each post as the user scrolls down the page:

social media buttons on the side of a post