Largo Facebook Widget

The Largo Facebook Widget allows you to display a small application for your organization’s Facebook account. This allows you to place your Facebook banner and stream in any widget area, though it generally fits best in a sidebar. Here’s the Largo Facebook Widget configuration:

Largo Facebook Widget configuration screen

Note that this works with Facebook Pages only. If you use a private Facebook account URL, the widget will produce an error and not display anything from Facebook.

Select Show Faces to display a row of faces from people who like your page. Select Show Stream to display posts in your Facebook stream. At this time, Show Header has no effect, and changing the Widget Height also has no effect. The Widget Title Link with the Facebook widget also has no effect.

As with other Largo Widgets, you can choose to hide this widget on desktops, tablets, and/or phones to save screen space for different devices.

Here’s what the Largo Facebook Widget looks like on the website:

Largo Facebook Widget on a website