Media in WordPress and Largo

News in the digital world isn’t limited to text, and a news website should, of course, support multimedia. WordPress allows you to add images and other media to a post or page. Largo improves on the standard WordPress way of handling media with some additional features.

The design of Largo provides for displaying “Featured Media” at the top of a post or page. Featured Media can be a static “hero” image of up to 1170px in width. Instead of an image, you can use a photo gallery, video, or embedded media.

In addition to Featured Media at the top of a post, you can add media anywhere inside the post. You can add full-width photos and other media, or wrap text to the left or right around the media. You can add captions, credits, and even links to the source. All images will resize responsively on desktops, tablets, and phones.

When composing a post or page, you’ll find the Add Media button in the formatting toolbar above the main text field:

Add Media button in WordPress

The Add Media button allows you to place photos and other media inside the body of the post.

The Set Featured Media button allows you to place a large “hero” image at the top of a post and automatically creates a thumbnail image that displays on the homepage and other landing pages. The Set Featured Media button is located in a panel in the right sidebar of the post edit screen:

Featured Media button in Largo

Featured Media isn’t limited to photos; you can embed a video, photo gallery, or other embeddable media as Featured Media for the post.

We’ll cover how to use these tools in the pages of this section.

Media Not Directly Supported

If you want to add audio clips or video, they need to be hosted on another service as audio and video can’t be uploaded directly to Largo. The files are just too big. For video, we recommend using a third-party service like Vimeo or YouTube and posting the embed code in Largo. For audio, SoundCloud is a good option as it also provides embed code.

Otherwise, images can be uploaded directly into Largo. You can manage all images in the Media Library, including adding captions and credits and searching by filename or description.

We’ll get started with the basics of adding media and Featured Media.