Galleries as Featured Media
Like other types of Featured Media, you can select Featured Gallery in the Set Featured Media screen:
This opens your Media Library where you can select any number of photos to add them to the gallery. Create the gallery, set it as Featured Media, and it will display at the top of your post along with dots representing the photos in the gallery:
A Gallery Inside a Post or Page
If you want the gallery placed somewhere in the body of a post or page, place your cursor where you want the gallery. Then use the Add Media button to create a gallery and add it to the post:
The gallery will be displayed inside the post much like a Featured Gallery at the top of the post:
Note: Some Largo child themes may display in-post galleries as a row of thumbnail images rather than full-sized images.
You can edit galleries by hovering over the gallery in the post edit screen and clicking on the pencil icon:
This opens the Edit Gallery screen where you can re-order the photos, and add or remove photos as needed: